Saturday, October 30, 2004

Fastly Food

Look at the food on your plate. How fast did it take for that piece of steak to become a piece? Quite fast. Aha. This is the bargaining power of many fast food giants. The ability to turn a smal fluffy chicken into a paste used to pour into a mould and serve to unsuspecting victims is one which is appreciated and used by all successful fast food joints. Advertising is also a big medium in creating a fast food joint into a place which is big on bullshit. The "healthy" meal probably means ONLY 30% fat. And 100% Chicken Meat probably just means that the chicken meat they use is 100%, but who knows what else lies in that little patty you just ate. Hum. Anyhow, since fast food joints look pretty impressive sometimes, with high tech computers and nice microphone to shout into. However, impressive looks also means impressive costs. Impressive income for them, and an impressive hole in our impressively unimpressive pocket. Supersized me is probably one of them movies which snaps us back to reality, but on the other hand, it gets dissed for being a bad movie, showing McDonalds in a bad light. I do suppose it is that unhealthy, but I dont suppose we enjoy the realisation of how unhealthy our supposedly healthy food is. Well basically, im not a health person. Actually, I think ill stick to my Mc Spicy Double, Spicy Style.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

You want Scuba?

Ahahah... We should all be like ze Hippopotemoose... Along came Polly... Many food... Last Samurai... Stomachache. Ah well. School isnt that bad. At least i get exercise from going to the toilet every now and then. -.- But yes. School is becoming actually vaguely, slightly, somewhat probably, perhapsly, after much considerationly interesting. Well, it beats sitting at home and playing com. Or does it... Well at least I get to own people at Quoridor. Go figure. Friday is the last day of school, and I have an improbable future but probable death on the homecoming, so yes. In the words of a man once wise... You want Scuba? I sure need some.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Water Treat-y

Does no one ever realise how nice tap water tastes? I mean... alll those bottled shit are so full of decomposed plastic that it hust tastes wrong. Think about it. How many trees died to provide for you that one bottle of so called fresh water?? One is better off drinking tap water...i mean.. tap water has... floride! good for teeth, no need to use toothpaste. And then there's.... Chlorine! Good for swimming pools... And then theres.... brown specks! Good for... your filter. But yes. It IS more natural to just drink it straigth from teh tap. I mean.. what's the worst that there is in them pipes, there's no 4 eyed creatures with seven legs... Except maybe for a cockroach with specs, a prosthetic leg and an oxygen tank. However, that is highly unlikely. I hope. Anyhow, I reckon that if people dont die that horrible a death from swimming lessons in school, drinking tap water should be fine. Except that there's less chlorine. =

Jouney to the West

Sweltering heat... 1 years worth of locker... Carried in a box about to break. I walked to the bus stop. I boarded the bus. With much difficulty i must add... Got off the bus at my spot and waited for the next bus. Luckily it didnt take too long to come... Fell asleep until my stop.... Got off, walked towards my house, only another 600 meters to go, with a box full of crap. Ishould have just chucked it in the canal, but it wouldnt have been ethical. Now that Im back home, I cant decide which is more broken. The box or my arm.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Chinese Ideaology

Well. I was standing around in the MRT, when I saw this guy who refused to sit down, due to the fact that the chair was warm. O.o As usual, because I didnt get what the hell why, I went into banter mode and began my theory. And this is how it goes.

Cold has the potential for positive energy. Heat on the other hand, produces negative energy. The human body has neutral energy, and is energy is absorbed by many ways. One of the ways we gain energy is through heat and cold. When someone sits on your chair, the potential difference for negative energy is most of the time higher on your end, as you just came from the outside. // This explains why you feel tired if you go out into the heat more. You gain much negative energy and lose much positive energy. // Like water, energy travels from an area of high energy to low energy. So your high negative energy would be transferred to the chair, thus causing people to dislike sitting on warm chairs, as the negative energy might be transferred to them. Extreme amounts of heat of coldness on the other hand, produces and opposite effect. For example, Eskimos are full of energy, and its definately not due to the seal fat. That's what they try to make you believe, then they poach seals and sell their fat. Sick thought. Anyway, and then there are saunas. Saunas are loved world-wide for their healing and fat-reducing properties. This is due to the fact that there is so much negative energy, that it becomes positive energy. Kinda like how too much pressure turns black coal into sexy diamond. Therefore, I have now garnered enough information to say - I don't mind sitting, as long as the guy's done his shitting.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Absent Mindedness

Sigh. I just took a pair of dirty socks, and intending to throw them in the wash, I walked to the toilet and chucked them in the toilet bowl. Then I got a shock, pulled out the socks and tossed them in the sink to wash. Joy. Absent mindedness is hitting me now more than ever. Probably due to lack of sleep. I mix things up too much. Either that or it's my lack of sleep. Playing dota affects your sleep. And then again... school is almost over, and minds get more and more absent. Hopefully Ill get a present mindedness in the near future.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

The Minority Report of the Sneaky Taxi People

Lol... The Minority report of the Taxi people are seriously sneaky. As in. They act dumb, by asking you repeatedly if you want to turn left or right when there obviously is no turning to the right, then they uhh.. miss your turning, so that you go one round, then they give you a 30 cents discount, while they pocket the other 50. And then... With the nice TVs, no one can be bothered to look where they are going, or even if they leave stuff behind. So you end up leaving your phone, wallet, bag, or even forget to get off the taxi. O.o And then there are those who claim to charge you for ERP, GST, ECP, AYE, and add an extra buck to your fare, and then grin at you. O well.. It's also dumb how they put the "Dont forget to take ur stuff" signs on the seatbelt. So you buckle up, remember to take your stuff, then start watching TV media, And then, you reach your stop. You quickly unbuckle your seatbelt while looking at your wallet at the same time. The sneaky minority taxi people did a report on this, and found out that at this time, you wll not be paying attention to the small "remember to take your stuff" signs, and then go off, leaving your stuff all neatly tucked under the chair. Damn.
Anyhow... Then there are also those other sneaky taxi drivers who put up a red hired sign, even when there is no one in their taxi. Most of the time its all a haox, and normally a wave, smile, and a raising of a coffee cup does wonders to how quickyl the driver stops for you.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Cockroaches are from Mars

Im serious. All martians have big green eyes, feelers and look like they crawled out from the bin. Anyhow, cockroaches have that freaky look which scares away all but the most daring of earthlings, and fly around and attempt to gorge the eyes out of those unperturbed ones. They have also some how managed to get themselves into the earthling's food supply, using the shady term of "Mars Bars". Somehow, none of the earthlings ever get suspicious, even with such a amusing name. They blame it on advertising.... Anyhow... In them Mars Bars one normally comes across the odd crunchy object or so, and if I were not much more intelligent than normal earthlings, I would believe that those crunchy things were peanuts. But I know, yes I know, that those crunchy stuff are actually the mind control bits, possibly containing traces of martian cockroach. And then again, the term martian cockroach is not very right, as all cockroaches are martians, and therefore rendering "martian" obsolete in such a phrase. Anyway, because of these Mars Bars, the martians have somehow managed to secretly control the earthling's minds, leading to the invent of many martian-like products like latex toilet paper. Then again, some earthlings are intelligent enough to fight against such stuff, inventing things like Baygon. Baygon Kills. Do You?

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Kampong Chicken! *NOT OILY*

If you pass along upper bukit timah road, opposite beauty world, you will notice a nice little chicken rice shop. As you walk into the shop, you notice rolls of kitchen towels hanging from the walls... Innovative.. you think. Then you turn around and notice the red and bad designed poster, with big yellow text: "Kampong Chicken! *NOT OILY*" Due to the horribly bad design skills and marketing strategies involved in such a poster, you get curious and head inside, trying out their food, only to find that the food there is so good, it betrays the ad. Or maybe the ad was made like that on purpose... just like Creative ads... or maybe not... Anyway... Simplicity and noobness have their benefits.
Anyway... Kampong chicken... Free roaming chicken... = Healthy chicken? Well.. maybe healthy for us, considering the lack of fat in them olympic-styled legs of the chickens, especially since they need to run from every few stones lobbed at them by the odd kamponger. Low fat, supposedly tenderer meat. But what about the chcikens.. Free roaming they might be, but what about the fact that since its a kampong, cattle should be near by, and what does that mean? Well. How about having your breakfast of corn, worms, and the odd pile of brown i-dont-want-to-identify kind of objects.. those which steam slightly and smell like your sister's cooking? Hmm.. If you think about it that way... How healthy is the kampong chicken really? Ill leave that to you to decide... But in my opinion, chickens produce that scented substance too... possibly containing traces of cow like origin.
Ask for more vegetables, begin healthy living.

The internet is useful for all things Eevil.

Haha... forget hackers.. the frozen throne freaks are more of a pest to human health and the general goodness of all manity. Well.. basically, since in warcraft you can make a few billion identities with no way of tracking you, destroying someone's game can be predddy easy. And then again, you have those hard core game spoilers, who spoil games as their whole warcraft life, leaving every time they join. Then there are those who utilise dota for their very evil means of insulting others. Then there is me. :) It's preddy fun to insult the insulters and watch them stop talking. And then own me... But its the sense of satifaction one gets when one insults an insult is probably more fun than the game itself anyway.. Considering that they get more pissed with you... and hopefully mess up their game... hopefully...

Friday, October 15, 2004

Setbacks are but stepping stones to sucess

Yeah right. Setbacks are more like hurdles which you accidentally trip on, fall, injure your left knee, sprain your toe and knee yourself in the pills at the same time. However, hurdles are man-made ya? And so are our problems. Of course much problems come from other problems, but those are indirectly man-made too. Since they are man-made, man TECHNICALLY should be able to get rid of all their problems, but then again.... The stepping stones are submerged. So submerged that you gotta get wet even before you can reach the stones. So. So far, my analogy is balls. Basically, in lay man's term - "Problems are gay, sucess is what we all want, but how gay do we need to get before we can get what we want?"

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Fat Peanuts are Freaky

Opening a packet of peanuts which were made in Malaysia can be a very troubling task. Especially since that the last time you did so, you encountered a few peanuts which were mutated to be bigger than your thumb. They could have considered using the High Yield Varieties and not the High Fat Content Varieties... But then again, fat peanuts aren't always the worse. There are the skinny ones. The nuts themselves are as hard as teh shell, and taste saltier than the shell. In other words, them Malaysians thought we'ed be better off eating the shell anyway. Then there are the worm-hole filled ones. The worm holes look like dirt, until your crack your peanut open and find that you have a black nut. And then again, people eat peanuts without really looking at what they eat, kinda like roasted chestnuts. But next time, try looking at the location of peanut manufacturation. I think ill stick to potato chips from now on. At least nothing can go wrong with Potatoes.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

If that is ludacris, then what is this? O.o

There are many things wrong in the world... then there is the land of Stones. We all know the land of stones... I visit it every day. No wait. Every hour... In the land of stones, the national activity is stoning. No surprise, considering that if you lived in a land of stones, stoning would only be the right thing a stone should rightfully do. Anyhow, I have always wondered how people can consider stoning as boring. How can a state when you dont feel, think, or even look dumb be boring, when you practically dont know what's happening... Them noobs who cant stone well try to degrade those of us who can actually space out and do it well... To think they call it "dumbness", "lack of mental capacity"... or the worse - "Rahger".... XD Mugging is fun im sure... But for now I think ill stick to my pet rock.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Things never meant to be explained explained.

You know... Certain things cant be explained. Think paranormal activity with a twist of lemon. The fear of the unknown is only paralelled by the fear of two week old porridge. But one tends to wonder why there areall kinds of freaky shows on the paranormal, but almost none on mouldy porridge. Something to do with the AVA and the new censorship laws perhaps.

Anyway... Imagine a table.... Good..... Now imagine a hole in the table.... Good... Ok. Now. Would you call the hole an object in itself? As in.. The Table has a hole. Or would it be more of the table has a lack of table where table should be... Hmm...

Friday, October 08, 2004

SK-II Pitera

Haha... Thats possibly the suckiest ad I have ever seen. In my Life. As in. I have seen a thousand sucky ads before (Think Double OK) , but i think this takes the cake. It's a piece of genius tho, with an ad this bad, who can forget it O.o So. Maybe if I submitted Mindless Banter, they might take it as the top ad for a mental institute... O.o

Anyway... Exams were bull. Studied only for maybe History and Chinese... the rest were all bullshit. Just read thru.. O yes. maybe lit and geog.. but yeah. Bool. Shit. But its over. It's English tmr, and i think ill better go study - uhh.. no. its not an excuse to stop blogging... (shit)