Monday, October 18, 2004

Cockroaches are from Mars

Im serious. All martians have big green eyes, feelers and look like they crawled out from the bin. Anyhow, cockroaches have that freaky look which scares away all but the most daring of earthlings, and fly around and attempt to gorge the eyes out of those unperturbed ones. They have also some how managed to get themselves into the earthling's food supply, using the shady term of "Mars Bars". Somehow, none of the earthlings ever get suspicious, even with such a amusing name. They blame it on advertising.... Anyhow... In them Mars Bars one normally comes across the odd crunchy object or so, and if I were not much more intelligent than normal earthlings, I would believe that those crunchy things were peanuts. But I know, yes I know, that those crunchy stuff are actually the mind control bits, possibly containing traces of martian cockroach. And then again, the term martian cockroach is not very right, as all cockroaches are martians, and therefore rendering "martian" obsolete in such a phrase. Anyway, because of these Mars Bars, the martians have somehow managed to secretly control the earthling's minds, leading to the invent of many martian-like products like latex toilet paper. Then again, some earthlings are intelligent enough to fight against such stuff, inventing things like Baygon. Baygon Kills. Do You?


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