Thursday, October 14, 2004

Fat Peanuts are Freaky

Opening a packet of peanuts which were made in Malaysia can be a very troubling task. Especially since that the last time you did so, you encountered a few peanuts which were mutated to be bigger than your thumb. They could have considered using the High Yield Varieties and not the High Fat Content Varieties... But then again, fat peanuts aren't always the worse. There are the skinny ones. The nuts themselves are as hard as teh shell, and taste saltier than the shell. In other words, them Malaysians thought we'ed be better off eating the shell anyway. Then there are the worm-hole filled ones. The worm holes look like dirt, until your crack your peanut open and find that you have a black nut. And then again, people eat peanuts without really looking at what they eat, kinda like roasted chestnuts. But next time, try looking at the location of peanut manufacturation. I think ill stick to potato chips from now on. At least nothing can go wrong with Potatoes.


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