Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Lackage of Banter

Well. The well of all things interesting has run dry. Possibly due to global warming, or stress, probably due to my receding hairline. Lately all that I've been talking about is Sjab. That surely must mean something. Something wrong at least. Now that I have a temporary spot in the prestigious, or infamous, First Aid Com, I can now declare my freedom to be in serious Lackage.

I have a dream.
One day Sjab will not be hell.
It might even be something people deem
to be good and possibly even sane.
To come back on the Saturdays and enjoy more pain.
Pain to the brain,
and my pulse probably stopped.
Considering that my CPR flopped.
I have a dream.

Well. My inspirations all out the window. It's not so much of stress, but more of lack of sleep. However, lack of sleep comes about when you feel like you have no inspiration and just stay awake stoning. I wonder if cheese cures insomnia...


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