Saturday, August 28, 2004

Not-so-Flagular Day

I bet at some point of your life you would have thought - Why the hell is it called Flag Day?

1) We collcet money for the whole day, so technically it should be called Flag Morning, Flag Afternoon and Flag Night, or Flag MAN.

2) The stickers are ROUND. Since when were flags ROUND. Maybe those not-so-flagular types.. but otherwise...

3) You do realise we dont give you flags, we give you stickers. So it could also be called Sticker Day.

And then again, its still called Flag Day, and it forever shall be. Or at least until someone explains this to them. Not that HQ listens anyway, or else SJAB would actually be a good UYO by now.

Well. Guess what. We went to Clementi today. Normally a peaceful place, with peaceful people, with peaceful blue-green-yellow fountain, with peaceful SJABers. But today - Chaotic and crowded place, harassed people, a blue-green-yellow fountain with more yellow water than blue, and bloodthirsty SJABers. So we had laksa. And a nice walk around Clementi to look at scenery. Or for potential targets at least. We left Clementi after around 1 hour, with me being a happy man. I had 50 Cents.
We then proceeded to more interesting places. Like. City hall. Not that many SJABbers there today, so we DID have some business, and much business with the security guards. We used my stealthly skills to get in the underpass between citylink mall and the mrt thing, so TECHNICALLY, TECHNICALLY, we were'nt in a shopping center. Pure Genius by who else but me of course. We made like, at least 25 bucks each. By then I couldnt feel my legs and my tin felt more like a brick. A very clinky brick. Henyway, well, these two photographer people things wanted a photo. So its like, I got made into their specimen. The picture turned out sorta good. Sorta. Kind of like. A blurred picture, with some small figure sitting on empty steps. They donated around 4 bucks to us, thanks to my prefessionalism. XD
Well. Lunch was due, and we headed off to the exhibition with XBoxing and gaming. Too crowded to see anything, and my height didn't help. So in other words, we went back down. We got treated to Pink Donuts (Shit, these are the best things invented since toilet paper) by some uhh... how should I put it... kind soul? We then tried to squeeze 5 people into a taxi to go Lan, but the taxi people didn't have their coffee this morning, and were all crazy like. We ended up with SubWay - Eat Fresh. So fresh that my chicken still tasted cold. Damn good microwave they have. Foot-longers are too short. They need meter-longers.
We ended up going back to school to return our tins. Well, SOMEBODY wasn't there, so being my boliao self, I crafted a "hammock" out of two ropes. Well, if you consider a hammock something which makes your ass and your arms hurt, yeah, it's a hammock. Returned the cash, and found out that some guy gave Joash 50 bucks. Wdf. So. Moral of Story. Make it Flag Afternoon and go to town for 2 hours, collect 3 times the amount it takes 5 people to get in 6 hours. Yup, simple logic. In the words of some other famous guy, "Damn."


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