Friday, September 10, 2004

I swear the buses are out to get me.

Holy shit. The rumours have come true. The bus invasion lives on... O.o
Well. Imagine you were me. You take a nice 74 in the direction you think leads home. Thats where the bus tricks you. You dont go home. You find out that you have readched a final stop. You alight. It's a stop whcih is dimly lit, with some buddhist alter thing there, and bus drivers sitting around drinking stuff. You walk away. Towards the bus stop which you should have gone to. You find out you lost your wallet. "Damn! Shit!" You run back to the bus. The bus is empty. You see about 5 spaced out looking bus drivers walk towards you. You raise an eyebrow. You walk up to them and ask who drives the 74. They walk past you. Zombies. Your brain tells you. Bus drivers have already been infected. You could be next. Of course you shrug this off as mere fiction (which is obviously not true). You finally manage to get the 74 zombie guy to open the door. You leg it up upstairs and find out that the ad for "Ghost" is on. Joy. You end up searching for your wallet and find it. You leg it downstairs and out the bus. The bus driver looked as spaced out as ever. You walk away, hardly believing what just happened. You take a bus back. You stone and think what a lucky bugger you were.
Thank God for short term memory loss. Any longer and the infestation might be funded by my cash. Or at least killed off by my downright ugly ez-link card.


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