Thursday, September 16, 2004

Sing-apore Idol

Whee. Interesting name ya? No. Not really.
Well. Let's just say... Theres the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. There's those good ones, those bad ones, and those.. others. Yesh. It's a whole range of stuff you got here.
You get a show like this which lasts shorter than the commercials do when:
1) You have a lack of capital and many ppl who want to pay to get their camera splashed on the screen every 2 minutes.
2) You have a lack of things to show in the 1 hour you promise people
3) Gurmit has a sore throat
4) The cameras are malfuncitoning. (maybe they shld get some of them olympus ones)
5) You like to piss people off
6) You have an interesting show which people would watch anyway
7) You enjoy the wastage of time and the rotting of the Singaporeans brain cells by watching rubbishy ads like "Eh, honey, buy matress got free handphone leh!"
8) You need to give time for people to visit sexy blogs lihe this one.

Annnnddd.. Our lines our closedddd....


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