Sunday, October 17, 2004

Kampong Chicken! *NOT OILY*

If you pass along upper bukit timah road, opposite beauty world, you will notice a nice little chicken rice shop. As you walk into the shop, you notice rolls of kitchen towels hanging from the walls... Innovative.. you think. Then you turn around and notice the red and bad designed poster, with big yellow text: "Kampong Chicken! *NOT OILY*" Due to the horribly bad design skills and marketing strategies involved in such a poster, you get curious and head inside, trying out their food, only to find that the food there is so good, it betrays the ad. Or maybe the ad was made like that on purpose... just like Creative ads... or maybe not... Anyway... Simplicity and noobness have their benefits.
Anyway... Kampong chicken... Free roaming chicken... = Healthy chicken? Well.. maybe healthy for us, considering the lack of fat in them olympic-styled legs of the chickens, especially since they need to run from every few stones lobbed at them by the odd kamponger. Low fat, supposedly tenderer meat. But what about the chcikens.. Free roaming they might be, but what about the fact that since its a kampong, cattle should be near by, and what does that mean? Well. How about having your breakfast of corn, worms, and the odd pile of brown i-dont-want-to-identify kind of objects.. those which steam slightly and smell like your sister's cooking? Hmm.. If you think about it that way... How healthy is the kampong chicken really? Ill leave that to you to decide... But in my opinion, chickens produce that scented substance too... possibly containing traces of cow like origin.
Ask for more vegetables, begin healthy living.


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