Friday, May 13, 2005

Wit is just 1 t short of twit

Heh. Is it possible to become so mindless that you get hated for it? Lets just say I go so off topic and so irrelevant to my posts that it doesnt even make sense anymore. Would I face the judgement of hundred-strong crowds that would overrun my house and scream bloody murder for normality to ooze out of my pores? By the way, whoever coined the phrase 'scream bloody murder' really made some kickass term. Its a palindrome almost. When you scream, bloody is one of the words which my just emit from that mantlous mouth of yours, and when theres murder, the only time where there wouldnt be blood is if the cold blooded killer had a bad mishap with his toaster. That didnt really make sense did it. It wasnt supposed to. Anyhow, back to the topic. Could I go so off topic that even off topic is too far from it? Would A post with a title of off topicness be able to encompass whatever off topicness that would come out from it? Bleh I dont have much heart in posting this post, BUT, since i will always have an interest in comedy, retardation and anything vaguely amusing, I cant really hate my own banter can I. Sometimes i do regret what I post, but thats just when I post a really bad post. Like this. I mean, this is practically a filler for whats to come. Something to waste your time to benefit me. Heh. In the words of some famous guy: "Being able to Believe the unbelievable surely is believable isnt it."


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