Saturday, August 07, 2004


Well... You know you're a dumbass when.. at your friend's house... you go "Oh Shit! I left my ticket at home!" Then you take a taxi down a traffic congested road to your house, run in, grab your ticket and take the taxi to your school. Then, You pay the taxi driver and find out that...
If I had gone to school:
Cost of Ticket -$ 10
Cost of Taxi ride without going to my house - $2
Time spent - 20 min

What I actually did:
Cost of Taxi ride going to my house to get my ticket - $ 11.40
Time spent - 1 hour ++

My Stupidity? - Priceless

Woot! I saved SIXTY! YES SIXTY CENTS! Sheeeesh...
Anyhow.. Most of them didn't sound too good. Some were actually quite good...
The winner had a sore throat :P Everyone expected him to sing his winning song again and he went off to sing We Will Rock You -.-.
Listened to the recordings in the MR room, found out that the people who didnt sound too good were actually damn pro, and the winner sounded... quite bad.... at points at least.. Well.. Considering he won with a sore throat, he must be preddy damn good.


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