Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Survivor cum Amazing Race

Today was one hell of a day.
It all started off in the morning... we had PE. We were made to run 2.4... as usual... I started off slow... didn't really feel like running... but picked up the pace. Round the corner, I met up with my friend... And after some discussion, well, I got shoved. Haha... Used some damn funky moves and avoided damaging myuself too badly, but I did manage to bleed from my elbow, knee AND bruise my palms, and even made the oncoming motorcycle stop (thank God).... And Wow. I was still alive. In fact, I think I ran faster than I normally did, and did quite well. *flex* Heh. I should get injured more often.
Anyway... I just remembered that I had forgotten my phone and wallet. Such fun.. You feel handicapped if ya dun got your wallet and handphone.. deprived even.
Well... After PE we had fire drill.. whee... I was walking to class when that happened, and continued to do so.. until I realised the doors were shut. Sheesh. Sigh... had to walk back outside into the hot sun.
After school, we had CCA! Even more fun! -.-' well.. guess what. After CCA, no hp, no wallet. Spent gay amounts of coins on getting to rugby competition...
At least by the time I got there, it was half time -.-. But the score was good... Our sch played well and won :D Go AC..! Anyway... that probably means good news for us. Yup. Good news... Going home was a problem tho...
Now... The only thing left is the stay outside of my house for the whole of next week... More blogging in my few hundred hours of "free time". Joy... Till Next time...


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