Monday, February 28, 2005

You haven't noticed till you Noticed

Heh. I guess its time to start blogging again. My brain cant keep up with all the stuff i think off. Hopefully I can get it straight this time.
Weellll.... We all know life as we know life, but how well do we know how well we know? It goes like this. Sometimes things happen, but we think it too normal to react. I mean, you dont go about saying "Wow. This grain of rice sure tastes good this time. And that time. And this time. And that one too. Wow." Neither do you go about saying "This air is good stuff. I wish air was this good. No, wait. It IS this good. Ah, there it is again." Its like.. thw world is too unappreciative of the fact that there is too much to appreciate. I cant erally understand it myself, but yeah, on a "serious"note, I hope youll still tolerate me for my nonsense, and if you dont, go away and never come back. heh. Cheers to a new life of Mindless-Banter, for you never knew till you know.


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